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Our Assurance & Values

As a not-for-profit, community-based centre, the administration and management of Apples & Honey Preschool is sustained by a committed volunteer Parent Board, the Director and Educators.


Experienced & Qualified Educators


Our educators are highly trained, experienced and valued members of the team.  Their dedication is an integral part of our successes. Educators have many ongoing professional development opportunities in order to constantly develop their skills.  


Apples & Honey's Educational Program and Practice is rated as "Exceeding" in the National Quality Standard. We are advocates for children and have a strong commitment to child safety and establishing and maintaining a child safe environment. Our Service embeds the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and promotes a culture of safety and wellbeing to minimise the risk of child abuse or harm to children whilst promoting children’s sense of security and belonging. You can read our Child Safe Standards Statement here


Partnerships with Children, Families & Our Communities


Community is a central value at our preschool. We recognise that our families and children help shape the culture and fabric of Apples & Honey Preschool. We welcome and encourage parents’ contributions in many ways throughout the year. Your ideas, experiences and skills are greatly valued and will enable us to extend each child's interests, abilities and knowledge. 


Parents are invited to participate in fundraising events, join the preschool management committee and get their hands dirty at preschool working bees! 

Excellence The pursuit of excellence in all we do.

Respect Open, honest and respectful interactions guide our practice.

Passion About the role we have in the lives of our children.

Our vision is to be a high quality provider of early learning. 

To achieve this we embody these values:

Partnership With our families to create high quality learning and development outcomes for our children.

Recognition And celebration of the efforts and achievements of our children, educators and staff.

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